working in the 21st century

Bring Your Business Into the 21st Century

Yes, that’s where we are – the 21st century – and boy, talk about technological advancement and changes! You either keep up or take a back seat and watch the ride.

Every business owner online and offline, need to be aware if progress and more importantly, as show in this contributed article, how to keep up. Read more.

The business world is a place that is always changing and to keep up, you need to make sure that your business is doing all that it can to stay up to date.

Yes, that's where we are - the 21st century - and boy, talk about technological advancement and changes! You either keep up or take a back seat and watch the ride.Click To Tweet

New technology, as well as new ways of working, have all been going on in recent years. And don’t just dismiss them as things that are unnecessary; they can help your business to be up to date and on top of things.

Plus, if your competitors are staying relevant with these changes, they will be the ones with better businesses and happier employees. So taking note of them is important.

Here are some of the things that will enable your small business to stay current, and to do well in this ever-changing world of the 21st century.

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Social Media

Social media is here to stay, and it can play a really important role in your business. Having a presence on social media sites can be good for customer service, customer loyalty, and to create a buzz around your business and around new products.

They can get to know you as a brand through things like live video and Instagram stories. The sites are used like search engines almost every day, so being on them in important. Don’t try to do all of them all at once, though; pick two to really run with, especially two that are most relevant to your target audience.

Flexible Working

Flexible working is on the rise, and it is easy to see why many businesses are doing it. It can help to cut costs when you don’t expect everyone to be in the office at the same time, as well as actually increasing productivity. It is still quite a new area, but it can make a big difference to your business and your employees.

Despite it being fairly new, there has been research which has shown that productivity is actually increased when working with a flexible work schedule, as it means that when your employees settle down to work, that is all that they will focus on.

It can take a little of setting up, as there will need to be a network for people to access, as well as the right equipment for people to take home with them.

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But an IT consulting business could be the right people to help take care of that if you’re not sure. Flexible working won’t work for every business, but it will work for a lot of them.

Stellar Website

Like social media, you need to have a presence online through a website. How will people know about your business if they can’t find you online? So having a focus on a stellar looking website that is responsive, as well as working on your search engine optimization can really give your business a boost and bring it up to date.

This is a pretty small thing, but for your online marketing, can make a massive difference. You could even launch an online selling platform through the site or something like a blog.

Yes, making that move to the 21st century is something that all businesses need to do. It is now the ‘lifeline’ of existence and it behooves the business owner to ‘keep up with or even exceed the proverbial Joneses!’

All the best.


Images courtesy of Pixabay.

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2 thoughts to “Bring Your Business Into the 21st Century

  • John

    Those business who do not follow the steps that you have outlined in this post will be left behind in the future. Without a web presence, a lot of people will look elsewhere on their phone or tablet to find what they are looking for. Most people today will look on the web before making any major purchase, even the evening meal is being purchased on the web.
    Build a website and they will come.
    Do you think it is wise to pay for advertising to get people to find your website after building it.

    • Michelle

      Great question, John. Yes, creating a website and doing all that you need to promote your business will indeed lead to a profitable successful business. Of course, one core to get the traffic you seek, is basically ‘great content’. yes, I know that it sounds like a ‘broken record’, however, readers are looking for informative and useful information. Of course, the best marketing strategy will definitely help your business to go places. Free advertising will surely help and of course paid advertising will also help, but of course, it comes with a price. My suggestion – start by creating captivating content and using a good marketing strategy and being consistent. All the best.


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