selling grains in agriculture

So, you have been around the block, been there, done that, and still…not happy in the chosen field. Could agriculture be your passion? It is surely something different and maybe very much outside the box for you, however, take a look at the possibility that this contributed article has to say about agriculture and the options available as a career choice.

Interested In Agriculture? Find The Field That Captures You!

driving a farm tractor with agriculture as your passion
When you picture what you want to do for a living, how does it make you feel?

If you are feeling anything less than fully motivated and excited, put your idea in the bin. You could believe that a career in law is the best thing for you because the money is great, but are you really cut out for stuffy suits and long hours in meetings?

Probably not, and that’s why you should think about agriculture.

When you think about a career in agriculture, sweeping farmland and tractors can swing into view, but that’s not all agriculture is about. There is so much more to offer than feeding ducks and mucking out horses. Agricultural work can be highly stressful and some careers are as high-powered and intensive as any law office in the land.

selling grains in agriculture
There are so many career options, from dealing with rising grain prices as a merchandiser to dealing with technology as an agricultural engineer. If you are trying to decide where you would fit yourself into the world of agriculture, then you need to check out this list below and pick a career – flip a coin if you must – but get interested!

Farm Workers

  • Working in the great outdoors and being hands-on with livestock and grain is an absolute possibility in this industry. Anyone who has a desire to work with the farm land itself should look at Montana ranches for sale and discover the perfect area for them to get started. Farm hands are the heart of agriculture and it’s going to really depend on the type of farm you are working on as to what you would be doing. For example, a pig farmer is going to have far different tasks than a wheat farmer.

Agricultural Scientist

  • Working in a lab and conducting interesting studies to improve methods of production is the job of an agricultural scientist. Creating environmentally friendly pesticides and chemicals are also in this area, as is the research of pesticides on crops. Scientists are always working to make improvements, so if you want to change the world one research project at a time, this is for you.

Agricultural Engineers

  • Focusing on the technological and mechanical side of farming, engineers are always looking out for ways to design, develop and improve machinery and agricultural vehicles. You can be in a lab or in the field in this job, and it’s definitely one of the hands-on options in this industry.

Agricultural Consultants

  • Offering guidance and advice to farmers, consultants are experts in the technical and financial side of running any type of farm. They know the changes in the industry as fast as they happen, and they work to improve processes and procedures while staying within the legislation. It’s all about making the most money and improving the environment at the same time.

Agriculture isn’t just about a combine harvester, a tractor, or a roller crimper, it’s about the landscape and is open to people of every academic background. It’s up to you which route you choose to take, but an interest in the outdoor lifestyle and how you can improve it is necessary in this field. So, muck in and take a look!

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2 thoughts to “Could Agriculture Be Your Passion?

  • Lisa

    I am so thankful for all the people that have chosen agricultural jobs. The farmers produce all of our food. I am sure it is very hard work, but also rewarding. I could imagine when harvest season comes, you feel a great sense of satisfaction. I have never heard of Agricultural Consultants, sounds like a very interesting job. I appreciate your insightful post on a job profession that is sometimes so overlooked.

    • Michelle

      Hello Lisa,
      Thanks for stopping by.
      Yes, so very true, people in agriculture are to be commended, as well as the fact that they work so close to Mother Earth and that in itself is so uplifting. Yes, I lift my hat off to the farmers and their diligence. They have a hard job sometimes – mother nature, the abuse that society sometimes gives to the planet, and so forth.
      There are a few agricultural careers out there that are below the radar but oh so important in the role they play. I am glad you enjoyed the article. Come back an visit.


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