
What Are You Doing ABout Safety And Your Business?

One key element that any business needs to be aware of and needless to say – be ‘on top of’ – is that which concerns safety and your business. Yes, keeping your business safe is not just about the outside premises – physical attributes of your business – but also, the software and the intangible – like your reputation as well.

Let’s take a look at what this contributed article has to say about safety and your business and how you can safeguard your company when it comes to safety.

Use Protection: How To Keep Your Business Safe

safety and your business what safes are made of

To their owners, businesses are like children. You gave birth to it, raised it, and want to see it grow and prosper into adulthood. There is nothing better than the feeling of accomplishment when you watch a child transform into a grown-up. The thought is enough to send shivers down the spine.

Sadly, people along the way will try to curtail the dream. Whether it’s clients, rivals or random hackers, they won’t make the journey an easy one. Entrepreneurs need to know how to help their company survive if they want to limit the damage.

Here are four ways to protect the business from failure.

Hire A Hacker

Why on earth would you hire someone who poses a threat to the firm? The answer is straightforward: it’s better to have him on the team than fighting against you. Cybersecurity is one of the biggest hazards facing any organization today. And, don’t think you’ll get away with it because you’re an SME. Hackers target them more than anything else as their defenses are weak and they’re easy meat. A hacker will be able to show you where the next attack will come from and how to stop it dead. Antivirus software helps but a professional with experience is always a clever move.

Keep A Lawyer On Retainer

Yes, this is an expensive contingency plan yet it’s essential. There is one thing to understand about the industry, and it’s that it is competitive. Not in a way where people play sports and shake hands afterward. Rivals will destroy you to further their profit margin.

Lawsuits are the number one tactic to this day, particularly if they have vast resources. A competent attorney should be able to dismiss frivolous suits aimed at crippling the accused. And, if he or she is familiar with the business, then it’s all the better.

Act Fast

Third parties aren’t the only source of lawsuits; employees will file too. Whether they have the right or not is a debate for a different day. All you have to realize is that they do it and the firm must provide a certain level of care. For instance, if a book falls on someone’s head, then the business should have been aware of it in the first place.

The pressure is high but it’s not unbearable. Just be sure to act as quickly as possible. If there is an emergency, then wheel out the medical carts and call the paramedics. When health and safety are at risk, make the office more secure. Jumping into action should prevent lawsuits.

Be Physical

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Digital safety has already got a shout out but physical security is essential too. In a world where hackers are rife, it’s easy to forget that burglars still roam the streets.

Given a chance, they will steal whatever is in sight which is why security alarms are necessary. Outside lighting also works wonders because it removes the element of surprise. Plus, CCTV makes thieves think twice before acting.

Out of the above, which ones would you use to protect the firm?

It is imperative that you employ some aspect of security when it comes to safety and your business. It is crucial to your company’s ‘life-line’ on so many levels and you really don’t need to find out the drawbacks of a ‘first-hand experience’ situation. Take heed and do something.


Images courtesy of Pixabay and Pxhere.

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8 thoughts to “What Are You Doing About Safety And Your Business?

  • Lawrence

    Michelle – these are all excellent points. Such a pity the world is the way it is when there is enough for everyone and really no need to steal or be malicious.
    Accidents do happen and well I guess you do need cover for these things but again a real shame that all these things add up in costs and can force a business to close or an entrepreneur to decide against starting a business. its safer to work a 9-5 job than it is to employ others and take the risk.
    Sad innit?

    • Michelle

      Hello Lawrence,
      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Yes, your thoughts are on ‘tap’. Our world could be a better place if we all thought and did things differently. Alas, we just have to make the best of it.
      All the best.

  • Tanya

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    • Michelle

      Hello Tanya,
      Thanks for your visit and thoughts. Yes, I so totally agree that Wealthy Affiliate is sucha a great learing platform. As log as you follow the training, and execute as suggested, I see success on your horizon!
      Much success to you.

  • ariel

    Hello Michelle, I think this was wise and telling that we do need these precautions. And that hopefully we can live in a more prepared state rather than awaiting something to happen. Although, i am a big believer in we get what we put out. So I would prefer to think and be in knowing we are safe.
    In peace and gratitude, ariel

    • Michelle

      Hello Ariel,
      Thanks for your visit and your kind words. Yes, so often we as individuals, don’t realize the ‘automatic’ effect of what we give out, will come back to us…sometimes more than we initiated. Wise words said indeed.

  • Orion

    OK Michelle, now you got me thinking about hackers…and just today I spoke with a friend who just told me that her son had been hacked twice while purchasing online!
    Yet there are so many people using the online world to do business, how can one private person protect themselves from hackers? Hire a hacker is not on the budget! And as you mentioned antivirus is not enough necessarily…so?

    • Michelle

      Hello Orion,
      Thanks for your visit and your thoughts. Yes, hacking is real. Well, antivirus software is a great start and relentless vigilance on your part. Even though we can’t ever be too careful, because each day, more hackers are being devious and trying new things. If I hear of anything worth mentioning, I will certainly write an article and inform you.
      All the best.


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