Your Website Security Using An SSL Certificate
How is your website security? Have you every wondered about the security of your website or the other websites that you visit? This article is all about website security and the value of having an SSL Certificate.
Being online, in today’s world, you are open to all kinds of fraudulent activity:
- hackers
- scammers
- identity thieves
- fraudulent activities (online purchases, subscriptions, etc.)
- vindictive ‘friends’ with your password access
You can never be ‘too safe’.
One great way to ensure that the website you create or visit, has some type of built-in protection – the presence of an SSL Certificate (https://).
I have great news in that respect.
Another great reason to use Wealthy Affiliate to get you started on your way to online success in creating your very own website or turning your passion into a business.
They have now added this security buffer to each Premium members’ website created.
Let’s take a closer look at what having an SSL beside your https means.
What Is The SSL?
SSL is an acronym for Secure Sockets Layer, this is a type of encryption technology that was created by the company, Netscape.
What an SSL does is this: it creates an encrypted connection between your web server and your visitors’ web browser which allows your private information to be transmitted without any external unwanted access of eavesdropping, data tampering, or message forgery.
You can never be too careful being online.
Why Do We Need An SSL Certificate?
Ok, so you are sitting in a Starbucks cafe – having your usual jolt of java mix and yes, you are on your electronic device – computer, iPhone, iPad, you name it.
I am sure you would feel a tad better just knowing that while you access your information, browse the web, do anything ONLINE, that you are in a protected space.
Being online, any computer in between you and the server will be able to see your credit card numbers, usernames and passwords, and other sensitive information unless it is encrypted with the presence of an SSL certificate.
Once there is an SSL certificate – you can see this by looking at the URL (website address) of the site you visit and ensure that you see something like this- https:// before your website name.
If this is present, then it is an indication that your information will be unreadable to others except for the server you are sending the information to.
What Is SSL Security?
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology used for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser.
This link will make sure that the data being transferred between the web server and browsers will remain private and not compromised in any way.
What Does An SSL Certificate Mean For eCommerce?
The SSL (secure sockets layer)and TLS (transport layer security) are the most widely used security measures in our cyber world today. It is simply a measure which provides a secure channel between two operating interfaces over the internet or within an internal network facility.
Basic advantages of visiting a site having an SSL certificate in place:
- your online credit card transactions are secure
- your system logins and sensitive information exchanged online will be secure
- secure access to webmail and their various applications
- secure transfer of files whenever website owners are updating or transferring information online
- secure hosting control panels access
- secure intranet-based traffic like internal networks, file sharing, extranets, and database connections.
If you need to be online more often than not, I would greatly recommend that you start being aware of the integrity of your website access – check to see if the site has an SSL certificate before you start browsing and inputting your sensitive information.
The time you take will only mean the best protection for yourself in the long run.
If you would like to read some more about SSL and its protection, and website security, please take a moment to read this article by Carson, co-owner of Wealthy Affiliate, an organization of which I am a proud member.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have some unanswered question.
Thanks for reading.
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Upated April 2019
22 thoughts to “Your Website Security Using An SSL Certificate”
Hello Michelle, thanks for posting this. My website is information only. Do you think it will be overkill to have SSL certificate installed? The links on my site actually go off to other sites – which have SSL certificates installed as they are commerce sites.
However, I overlooked the connection to my personal web email client. It hasn’t got an SSL certificate installed – something I will take up with them!!
I wouldn’t have noticed this if I didn’t come across this post. So thanks much for posting and highlighting this.
Hello Jackie,
Thanks for your thoughts. Absolutely, in answer to your question. These days and always, as it should be, it is a question of security – with your brick and mortar store AND your online presence. Great too as you are aware and duly checking the security of the sites you visit – definitely a must! I am glad that this post provoked your ‘thinking channel’ and better still, moved you to action. Good luck and be secure. Information is also a form of security.
Thanks, Jackie.
Hi Michelle,
Recently, I was having a conversation with one of my students about this, who is in charge of cyber security for a well known organisation. Having read your article, the things she was saying to me are now so much clearer. She mirrored you points on the importance of encryption and being in a protective space.
Thank you for making things clearer on this important area.
Hello Sean,
Thanks for visiting. More importantly, thanks for your thoughts on this article. Yes, it is nice to know that you are secure even in the world wide web – cyberspace. You just can never be too sure. I am also happy that the article helped to shake the cobwebs from your line of vision. LOL. It was my intention and I am happy it helped you. All the best, Sean and be safe.
Great article Michele, Identity theft is on the rise and one of the main reasons is all of the time we are spending on-line on unsecure sites. Last year my mother had her identity stolen and it was traced back to a purchase she made on-line. You have made this very important subject easy to understand. I am sure it will help more that a few people keep their private information private.
Hello Joe,
Thanks for taking the time to voice your thoughts. Sorry to hear what happened to your mother, however it reinforces how I feel about site security. Unfortunately, there are people out there with dishonest minds and ways to implement those thoughts. I am glad that this article was able to make things easy for you to understand.
Thanks for stopping by and be safe.
Hi Michelle,
Gosh, it’s unfortunate that in these times, we need all the security that we can utilize. There are some savvy hackers out there! But thanks for explaining SSL so well! I’m usually a little confused with the techy lingo and the associations. Now that I understand it better, I will look at the websites that I may be purchasing from. I think banks have used this encryption already, am I correct? I’ll also have my kids read your post as well. They use the internet like nobody’s business and need to make them aware to the potential danger out there! Thanks for the informative post!
Hello Cindy,
Thanks for stopping by my cyberspace.
I am so happy that you found this information a source you can come back to as well as pass on to your children. No one is ever too old or young to learn. In today’s world, sadly, but true, we have to do more than just ‘watch our backs’…but our ‘fingers too’.
And yes, to answer your question, most banks that I know, including the ones I do business with, all have ‘green padlocks’ on their sites – thank God! You don’t need to worry about your money being safe even though it is a brick and mortar institution! A lot of banks these days are all ‘turning over’ to ‘online banking’ – the ease of it all, it seems. SO, yes, we need to be safe and aware.
Good luck, Cindy and remember to look for the green padlock wherever you surf!
Hi Michelle, this is great info on SSL which I’ve been thinking about but haven’t pulled the trigger yet. You’ve explained a lot about SSL in your post but how do I get one and how will that affect all my links? Will it be hard to install?
I’m just scared to encounter all sort of error afterwards. My site doesn’t take any credit card info or any private info from my readers so I’m not in a rush for it. I’d like to know how this affects my site after installation though.
Thanks for your explanation on what it is!
Hello Grace,
Thanks for visiting my cyberspace:)
I am glad that you found the information on site security helpful. I think you should go and ahead and ‘pull the trigger’ as you have said – a wonderful way of putting it.
Owning a website is a great way to build your online presence; ensuring the safety and security of your website is paramount to gaining your client’s trust. Even though you do not have a checkout cart on your site, visitors are still looking for that ‘green lock’ which makes them feel more secure that whatever information they provide on your site will be safe and secure.
You can get an SSL certificate from your hosting provider. Depending on who that company is, it might cost or not cost too much. I recommend Wealthy Affiliate as a hosting platform. You can read more about them here in my review.
The whole installation process will be done by your hosting service. Your job after the installation is to go through all your pages and posts on your site that were published before the green padlock and ensure that there are no broken links after installation. It might be a time-consuming process, however, well worth it in the long run.
I hope you ‘bite the bullet’ and go for security – the visitors to your site will thank you.
Much success, Grace.
Thanks Michelle for providing some great information on website security. There are many that are unaware of the ramifications involved with not having an SSL Certificate for your website. Your site remains vulnerable to hackers without one. It seems that Wealthy Affiliate takes a proactive approach to security which is an excellent selling point for them. It not only ensures their network security but also their member’s websites. Thanks again for your useful information.
Hello there, Jerome,
Thanks for stopping by my cyber-home:)
Yes indeed, a lot to be said about hosting platforms who make it their duty to have better security for client’s websites. In these days, I do believe it should be a ‘GIVEN’ and no room left for discussion. As a member of Wealthy Affiliate, I am proud of this next step to make hosting safe for online businesses using their services.
I am glad you found the information useful.
Much success to you in your online business as well.
This is the best explanation of what SSL is that I have seen. It is also the best explanation of why I want it for my website. Thank you!!!!
On an unrelated note, I really like the layout of your blog posts. Are you typing your content directly into your post? Are you using some sort of plugin? Or writing it somewhere else and copying it?
Thanks in advance!
Hello Sondra,
Thanks for stopping by and a bigger thank you for your compliment. Can you see my broad smile here in cyber land?
I am glad that you found the information useful and more importantly, that it made for easy reading leading to better understanding.
AHA…now you are trying to find out my secrets….Hmmmm.
For my content, I usually type directly into WP edit mode. I am not using a plugin. Sometimes, if I am on the road, and no internet access, I will type my ideas into a Word document and then later transfer. It surprises me that you would ask such a question; in any event, I welcome your curiosity.
Much success to you and by all means, stop by again – you have an open invitation!
Sorry if it sounded like a weird question. Lol.
The formatting of your posts just look awesome with the colors and fonts.
Thanks, Sondra. Appreciate your ‘weird question’. LOL:)
As you can see, I love a little color in my life and my writings!
Much success to you on your journey.
Hi Michelle
Thank you so much for your explanation of an SSL Certificate and why it is so important to have one.
With so many scammers out there in Cyberspace falling over themselves to steal people’s details I appreciate the importance of having as much security as possible at all times.
I do not have an SSL Certificate on my website at this moment in time, as I have heard that they are quite expensive and difficult to install, but you have encouraged me to look at this again. It is very obvious that I must have one soon!!
Many thanks for giving me the nudge which I needed, and I wish you every success
Hello Chrissie,
Thanks for stopping by. I totally agree with you on that one- so many scammers falling over themselves to steal people’s details – it is such a shame that there is no trust in our society anymore. So, yes, we have to put effective plans in place to soothe the blows – if it comes to that, which I hope not, or not too often.
Yes, the cost to ensure your website safety, especially when you do not sell any products on your website, might be prohibitive. However, don’t let that stop you. Think about the big picture and the long-term benefits to be reaped – customer safety, trust, satisfaction and peace of mind.
Might I also recommend that you check out my review on Wealthy Affiliate as a hosting platform? They provide their premium members who own their own domain names, free SSL certification. You can read it here.
I wish you much success as well.
Hi Michelle,
and thank you for this great information. I’ve been looking for places to get that kind of security for my websites. As you perfectly point out, there are so many people searching for all the information they shouldn’t have.
I notice you mention Wealthy Affiliate, is it so that you have to have certain kinds of website to get this security or do you mean what you said, that all premium sites (would love if you could explain what that is) get it? I’m considering looking into this. I’ve heard about it before, but if this is a part of what you get, this gets even more interesting.
Love to hear from you,
Odd Helge (yeah, a funny name, but it works).
Hello Odd Helge,
Thanks for stopping by. I am glad that you found this article a source of useful information. Site security is a ‘must-have’ for websites these days – it definitely helps ‘the user experience’ in more ways than one. Users will feel more secure, especially if they need to input sensitive information on a site.
Wealthy Affiliate is an online organization that caters mainly to building a presence on the internet. They help people to realize their dreams by turning their passions into a business – online is the platform of choice. You can read more about Wealthy Affiliate in another article review here It will give you more information about how you can proceed if you think you want to take your hobby to the next level. Thanks for asking.
A great plus for Wealthy Affiliate as a place to receive education on website creation, design, and maintenance, is that ALL premium members who own their domain names will have SSL security ‘right off the bat’! SO, one less worry as you make your online presence.
Much success to you, Odd Helge. And your name is not funny, it’s just different and interesting.
Hey Michelle thanks for sharing, for years I didn’t know what some sites had the https instead of http. You are so right when it comes to needing to be secure. My sister’s partner bought something off an insecure site and he ended up having £2000 stolen out of his account at Christmas. It is crazy how easy it can be done these days. Shopping on secure SSL sites is the only way forward. I recommend everyone to do the same. That green padlock symbol enables you to enjoy your shopping experience, knowing that all your data is being encrypted.
Hello Graham,
Thanks for visiting.
Yes, isn’t it amazing the things we take for granted? We do so many things without giving much thought to simple things such as website safety, and it can sometimes lead to big problems. Being aware of information leads to more meticulous actions and more safety.
What happened to your sister’s partner is not an ideal situation and for sure, I know that she has now become more aware of those little green padlocks, I know that I have. I hope there was some resolution satisfactorily made for him/her under the circumstances.
All the best.