getting away from home

Getting Away From Home When You Work At Home!

Working from home can certainly keep you ‘tied to the home base’; getting away from home when you work at home is something you want to do periodically and as often as you need to when it comes to delineating the home and the home-based business. Let’s see the suggestions offered by this contributed article when it comes to getting away from home.

3 Ways To Escape Work When You Work From Home

Working from home brings many benefits. The first being that you can literally work in your pyjamas, and who doesn’t love the idea of that? You’re able to bend and choose your working hours a bit more too, which means that you can nip out for that coffee with your friend or if you’ve got children and it’s the half term, you don’t have to worry about childcare because you’re at home.

It does, however, bring with it one downside – being unable to escape work as such when you’re done with your working day. Any problems that you’ve had during the day will be lingering in your home. No problem, we’ve got the perfect solution! Check out these ways to escape work when you work from home.

man sitting at laptop thinking of getting away from home based business


Put A Lock On The Office Door

An easy way of literally locking your problems away is by putting a lock on your office door. Once you’ve finished for the day, make sure you lock it and then leave the idea of work behind, just as you would if you were working in a regular office. This will help you distinguish the difference between work time and relaxation time.

Many people who work from home find themselves lingering in and out of their office because they feel like they could do that little bit more. Don’t. It will drive you insane eventually. Stick to set working hours and lock it away once you’re done.

Get Out Into The Garden More

Being away from your office will help you forget about it, so why not choose to do a spot of DIY in the garden? Use your garden to enjoy some quality family time, especially in the weather that we’ve been having lately! Summer is just around the corner, so it will be easy for you to want to spend many hours in the sun!

Why not start a project with the kids and make them a special area to play in your garden? It’s a great way to stay distracted and do something productive! PD Play offers environmentally friendly play equipment that you could buy for the garden. Imagine a swing set and a slide for the kids to play on – who needs work when you’ve got family right?

Always Choose The Going Out Option

When you’re thinking about taking advantage of one of your work from home perks such as meeting a friend, always choose the option that means you leave the house. If you choose to stay in and have your friend at yours, you could find yourself constantly thinking about the workload that you have left waiting for you, or everything you’ve got lined up for the next day.

There are loads of things you could apply this to like shopping. Instead of online shopping, make yourself go out to the shop. You get the idea. Getting yourself away from the office will help you escape work for a little while!

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Yes, being creative and finding ways of getting away from home when you work at home can only lead to a greater appreciation for the flexibility of working at home!


Images courtesy of Pixabay and UnSplash.

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2 thoughts to “Getting Away From Home When You Work At Home!

  • Orion

    Short and sweet and so true!
    I personally try to go out and work OUTSIDE too, in a coffee shop or in an “office space” for online ppl who want to network and be around others…as being at home can be quite isolating!
    You are right mentioning that one of the big perks of working from home is being able to choose your hours and meet with friends for coffee at your leisure. But I do find sometimes that I can be thinking about my work even when sitting with a friend – not all the time – but sometimes there is a project that preoccupies my mind and I feel like I could be working at it 48 hours straight….which would not be advisable!! haha
    Will keep your advice in mind!
    Wishing you $ucce$$ – Orion

    • Michelle

      Hello Orion,
      Thanks for stopping by. Yes, you are so right about still being preoccupied with work EVEN while on that ‘much-deserved’ break. We never seem to ‘turn our brains off’, even then. We have to work on that. But yes, a word to the wise is sufficient. All the best.


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